Eloise Armstrong accepting cheque from Anderson Maguire





Scotland’s leading independent family funeral firm, Anderson Maguire, recently held a number of coffee mornings at its branches throughout Glasgow to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support. More than £1,500 was raised through the events and Dom Maguire, Chairman of Anderson Maguire, matched the amount raised by the local branches to bring the total amount to £3,000.

Dom Maguire, Chairman of Anderson Maguire, said:“We have a dedicated corporate social responsibility team at Anderson Maguire and given that we are first hand witnesses to the devastating effects of cancer, we have decided to partner with Macmillan Cancer Support this year. We are delighted to have raised this amount in 2014 and hope to continue to grow the money raised in the years to come.”

Eloise Armstrong, Fundraising Manager for Macmillan Cancer Support, said:

“We never cease to be amazed by the efforts companies such as Anderson Maguire will go to help support Macmillan. 30,000 people in Scotland are diagnosed with cancer every year and we rely on the generous support from the public to help us ensure that no-one faces cancer alone. We are so grateful that Anderson Maguire has taken such a positive approach to help us to help those who really need us.”